Friday, August 12, 2011

Why is President Obama calling for a 'reform' of?

Reform usually means you can add new definitions that are more vague so you can get activist judges to decide what you can and cannot posses.

How can I make a traditional fairy tale into something with a feminism/racism message?

Read some of the *original* versions of well-known fairytales collected by the Brother's Grimm. There's many with murder, rape, slavery, abuse, that kind of thing.

Outline Research Paper?

How do i start an outline for a research paper? My topic is an author and i don't know how to start. What do i put for the intoduction and what topics should i use for the outline?? My author is still alive and her name is sandra cisneros.

What movie is this with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock?

Ryan Reynolds plays a character named Andrew and Sandra Bullock plays a character named Margaret. Betty white is in it too, she plays the grandma. Margaret forces Andrew to marry him so she can stay in the country and they go up to alaska to get married. Anyone know this movie?

What do you think about terrorists getting guns here at gun shows using loopholes Republicans insisted on?

Source: a href="" rel="nofollow" or google Michael Bloomberg and Mayors Against Illegal Guns Seems a U.S. born citizen, Adam Pearlman, has defected to Pakistan and has ties with Al-Qaeda. He's telling terrorists here to go to gun shows where, because of loopholes placed by Republicans, they can buy a gun (even an AK) with no background check!? His message is, "get the guns, and you can kill Ameicans." All the mayors want, which they have been asking for years for, is to eliminate the no background checks, and if you are on the terrorist no-fly list, you can't buy a gun. (I could not believe that if you're on the no-fly list, meaning you're a possible threat, you still can buy a gun at a gun show!) The NRA was contacted but had no comment. See the connection? The Republicans get paid by and support the NRA, and although we're supposed to be in a war on terror, they set up loopholes when they know terrorists exist here and that they can buy guns and kill us! Your thoughts?

Atheists: AllahSWT knew you were going to deny the Qur'an and call them "fairy tales"?

If I made up a bunch of crap & told everybody about it - How hard do you think it'd be for me to be able to predict that people were going to ridicule it?

WHATS YOUR SIGN?! What do you think about this???!!!!!!?

Very accurate, especially the Aquarius one, everytime I see Justin Timberlake or Ashton Kutcher on tv I think they them seem fun and awesome. I also was thinking the other day that the reason why Ashton Kutcher was able to pull off Punk'd so well is partially because he's an Aquarius so he's "friends with everyone" and is likable so none of celebs that got punk'd ever hated Ashton for punking them. You can't help but love Ashton Kutcher. :)