Friday, August 12, 2011

Why is President Obama calling for a 'reform' of?

Reform usually means you can add new definitions that are more vague so you can get activist judges to decide what you can and cannot posses.

How can I make a traditional fairy tale into something with a feminism/racism message?

Read some of the *original* versions of well-known fairytales collected by the Brother's Grimm. There's many with murder, rape, slavery, abuse, that kind of thing.

Outline Research Paper?

How do i start an outline for a research paper? My topic is an author and i don't know how to start. What do i put for the intoduction and what topics should i use for the outline?? My author is still alive and her name is sandra cisneros.

What movie is this with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock?

Ryan Reynolds plays a character named Andrew and Sandra Bullock plays a character named Margaret. Betty white is in it too, she plays the grandma. Margaret forces Andrew to marry him so she can stay in the country and they go up to alaska to get married. Anyone know this movie?

What do you think about terrorists getting guns here at gun shows using loopholes Republicans insisted on?

Source: a href="" rel="nofollow" or google Michael Bloomberg and Mayors Against Illegal Guns Seems a U.S. born citizen, Adam Pearlman, has defected to Pakistan and has ties with Al-Qaeda. He's telling terrorists here to go to gun shows where, because of loopholes placed by Republicans, they can buy a gun (even an AK) with no background check!? His message is, "get the guns, and you can kill Ameicans." All the mayors want, which they have been asking for years for, is to eliminate the no background checks, and if you are on the terrorist no-fly list, you can't buy a gun. (I could not believe that if you're on the no-fly list, meaning you're a possible threat, you still can buy a gun at a gun show!) The NRA was contacted but had no comment. See the connection? The Republicans get paid by and support the NRA, and although we're supposed to be in a war on terror, they set up loopholes when they know terrorists exist here and that they can buy guns and kill us! Your thoughts?

Atheists: AllahSWT knew you were going to deny the Qur'an and call them "fairy tales"?

If I made up a bunch of crap & told everybody about it - How hard do you think it'd be for me to be able to predict that people were going to ridicule it?

WHATS YOUR SIGN?! What do you think about this???!!!!!!?

Very accurate, especially the Aquarius one, everytime I see Justin Timberlake or Ashton Kutcher on tv I think they them seem fun and awesome. I also was thinking the other day that the reason why Ashton Kutcher was able to pull off Punk'd so well is partially because he's an Aquarius so he's "friends with everyone" and is likable so none of celebs that got punk'd ever hated Ashton for punking them. You can't help but love Ashton Kutcher. :)

Is Universal Coin & Bullion a reputable company?

I recently bought some gold in the form of Napoleon III 10 franc coins from Goldline and now realize that I paid way too much in commissions (the "spread"). It is my fault for not doing enough research, and thankfully I didn't invest too much, but I'm now weary of buying more gold/precious metals after getting burned. Does anybody have any experience with Universal Coin of Beaumont, TX? They advertise every month in American Rifleman and are endorsed by the NRA, but I'm not sure that means much. I definitely learned my lesson and will be sticking to bullion and bullion coins which track the price of their respective metal, and remove the guesswork of the numismatic premium that a novice buyer like myself knows little about. (Actually I had called Goldline with the intent of buying Krugerrands but stupidly allowed myself to get talked into the higher commission European coins on the basis of the "government can take your bullion" hard sell). Anyways, if any of you have used Universal and have had good (or bad) experiences with them please let me know if you would recommend using them. Are their prices reasonable? If there is a better, cheaper way to buy physical metals please let me know that as well. Thanks in advance for your help.

Help my fish cant move its tale fin?

i just bought a guppy yesterday and this morning i noticed that he cant move the bottom half of his body he just moves about using his little fins on his sides he stays near the top with his head up on the surface. don't know whats wrong with him. what should i do?

Black Veil Brides...?

Sandra left and was replaced with CC in 2010. I have no other additional information on the subject but I hope that what I gave helps.

Ladies, what were the 1950s button down blouses that you tied at the midriff?

They buttoned down to just about your waist line, then you tied the two bottom pieces at the very bottom to give the crop look. Ladies wore them with shorts and also with peddle pushers. I know you can tie any button down shirt, or even a t shirt, but the ones I'm thinking of from years past, I cannot remember if they had a specific name. Any idea? I think Annette Funicello and Sandra Dee wore these in their movies.

What does this monologue mean?

I suck at Shakespeare, but go to No Fear Shakespeare (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and find the monologue, they have a side-by-side Shakespeare to modern English that is very handy :)

Atheists: AllahSWT knew you were going to deny the Qur'an and call them "fairy tales"?

If I made up a bunch of crap & told everybody about it - How hard do you think it'd be for me to be able to predict that people were going to ridicule it?

Hairstyle ideas for my hair type?

I have thick hair that write now comes to about my mid chest. I have a hair cut coming up and I want to do something different with it. I was thinking a medium length cut. Any ideas on how I could cut it? I want to be able to put it in a pony tale and would prefer to flat iron it straight. Pictures are great to help explain :-)

Pro Gun Control Arguments?

So, I have to write an argument paper for my English class. My teacher had us pick subjects to argue on then told us we have to write the opposing argument of our viewpoint. I need some help finding some legitimate arguments to search further into on why people are for stricter gun control laws, then I can go from there... and no need to tell me reasons why gun control doesnt work (I already know the arguments from growing up with a father who's a proud NRA member)

Which classic book of original fairy tales is better?

Barnes and Noble has two different complete fairy tale collections, Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales and Hans Christian Andersen: The Complete Fairy Tales. I believe the first one is German fairy tales and the second is Danish fairy tales. These are the original versions by the way, not the children ones.

Is the NRA socially conservative or fiscally conservative?

The National Rifle Association is obviously conservative, but are they socially conservative or fiscally conservative?

Did Florida governor go too far?

Gov Rick Scott just signed a bill that would make it a crime for a doctor to ask a patient if he owns a gun. The NRA backed bill originally called for a penalty of 5 years in jail and fine. I guess their concern is that mentally ill people will be deprived of their 2nd amendment rights. Another article right next to this one in the paper tells of a gunman going on a rampage and killing 5 people.

How confusing would the book A Tale of Two Cities be for a teenager?

I'm very interested in reading that book but I'm hesitant in how much I'm going to be able to understand.

Is Jesus real? Or is the bible just some big metaphorical tale?

Like maybe jesus stood for something else. Because the whole "drink from my the wine you will be drinking my blood" just sounds really Non believable. I grew up in a religious family but I am a philosopher also

NRA spouse and making working pay?

I am a US citizen, my wife is a NRA. Our filing status is MFJ. She does not have a SSN. She'll submit W7 to get a ITIN number. Can we get the $800 making work pay credit for joint filers or do we just get $400 since she is NRA?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What would you do if...?

The girl or guy you really like, and who seemed to be crazy about you too, but suddenly turned distant for virtually no reason, offered to hook up with you? (And by hook up I mean strictly making out) You have never even been kissed before, and you're sick of waiting for that fairy tale that seems unlikely to happen, and the frustration is killing you. You just want to get out pent up emotions. Would you go for it, knowing that you'll be happy, but just be more hurt in the end, or stay strong and resist, and wait for that right person for things to happen naturally with?

1pth anniversary coming up!?

As you know the 10th anniversary for 9-11 is coming this year (never forget), and I think we should all celebrate the best prank by the U.S. Government by getting back. They fooled us all. It's obvious Al Qaeda is an innocent bi standard (obviously a club in Pakistan that's like the NRA). We should all call the pentagon and send threats saying we're are a part of Al Qaeda and we will destroyl the U.S. for killing Osama. Anyone want to go through with this awesome revenge for the biggest prank from the US government?

Anyone else having problems joining the NRA?

It's a not so subtle clue, they've read enough of your posts here where all you do is brag about your accomplishments, and they don't want you.

Would you ratify my choice for NRA Man of the Year?

While I do agree that he's a serious candidate ,I think that it's just too early in the year to give him the award

My prediction! About future attacks on U.S.?

I don't think so.. Al-Queda is in the throes of dying as an organization.. even Muslims and Islam is in wholescale revolution and turning away from terrorism and victimhood.

Do I need better friends?

I been friends with these two girls for a while. The first one lets call her sandra, had been my best friend since we were in middle school. She often ditched me for other people but since I had other friends I never seemed to mind or care. Anyways the second one lets call her ginny I have known since elementary but we went to different middle schools and reunited in high school. Ginny and I were just cool with each other never much best friends until now. Well we all started hanging out a lot just the three of us since january and it started with just a casual hang out between the three then we started hanging out all the time on weekends and weekdays. Sandra and I were always closer since we had been best friends longer but now I feel that she doesnt want to be my friend because we have a three way message on facebook and she always asks about ginny, or last time when I told her we should go shopping she was all ok but lets not tell ginny cause I feel bad. which is weird since we never had that problem. I just had a birthday party last saturday and at my birthday party they were all talking and stuff which was fine I had the rest of my friends to talk to but then we took pictures and they were all hugging each other and talking and were kinda ignoring me. I had to go to the club that day and needed ginny to go with my other friend so she could get dropped off at her house and I could make it in time, but she was all NO! i cant my mom is gonna now(which is a lie cause I dropped her off at her house and it was so dark her mom wouldnt of even be able to tell plus this girl is TWENTY!) anyways then sandra is like NO ginny you are going with us! which annoyed me cause they knew I wasnt gonna make it unless Ginny went home with my other friend. Sandras home is on the way to mine so it was ok that I take her. either way I am sick of it, I didnt make it in time for the club and my birthday celebration kinda sucked. both of them usually throw tantrums when I cant do something like once Sandra wanted me to pick ginny up but I didnt have gas in my car and she was all PLEASE PLEASE! I was like I seriously cant I have no money or gas. Sandra has two kids and is 19 and Ginny is 19 single no kids but her parents are super protective even though they have no reason to be. and neither of them can go to the club which is why I needed to drop them off.

Bill Maher says REP Party is owned by the gun lobby and NRA should change its name to assassins lobby.Thoughts?

I think Bill is trying to get ratings by being inflammatory. Nothing new, I'd expect the same from Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh if they appeared on a talk show. I think his trying to draw a distinction between the rhetoric of the right and left is laughable. There are quotes from SITTING CONGRESSPEOPLE (which seems to be upping the ante compared to radio or TV show hosts) directly calling for people to "Put him up against the wall and shoot him" or to "Take up pitchforks" if votes don't go their way. You can also put material published by the DLC next to anything "inflammatory" Palin came out with and there's not a single shred of difference. So it's not as direct, it's even MORE direct! I guess if the majority of your audience doesn't consist of gun owners then it's not bad, right? I mean, that's basically what he's trying to claim. Unfortunately he doesn't stop to think that it only takes ONE nutjob in the audience to blow that theory to hell and gone. EXACTLY the same as with the conservative crowd! Sure the majority may be gun owners, but the majority are also law abiding citizens. Once again, it only takes one nutjob. There is no distinction unless you're going to claim that the rhetoric is going to make a law abiding gun owner go crazy and start shooting people. Has that happened yet? Or did we see a deranged, likely insane individual freak out? You are just as likely to find that nutjob in the ranks of the democrats as in the republicans. Finally, regarding "months of police or military training" there is a section in the monthly magazine you get from the NRA entitled "The Armed Citizen". It has stories from around the country of people stopping crimes with their guns. Most have no formal training. You can also point out that privately owned guns in the hands of citizens stop an estimated 2.5 million crimes per year. I doubt the majority of those have formal training either.

What is the name of this song?

At the end of the movie A tale Of Mari and Three Puppies there is a very nice Japanese song. Does anyone know what it's name is and who sings it?

Do you support arming LGBT people?

You're off to a good start. I'd recommend that Lesbians carry handguns to ward off importunate straight guys. For myself, I'd like to carry a light defensive weapon, such as a slingshot or a dressage whip for inflicting a dismissive sting on the persons of girls, sissies and "trans men," who make passes at me, without having to touch their loathly bodies with my bare hands.

Need quick advice for some friends pls!! ?

I have two friends who are sisters, twins. Identical. Sally & Sandra. Sandra is getting a tad worked up thinking she is ugly - when she clearly isn't. As people are always always saying how strikingly beauitful she is. No one has ever called her ugly. Now this is because, whenever Sally goes out, girls who are jealous of her (some of them she knows, others she's never met nor heard but they know people she knows and even complete strangers) will cause a fight with her because they are jealous of how she looks and they feel threatened (they later admit it) Sandra was saying to me earlier why does that never happen to her? She always gets the odd person saying she's gorgeous, but never gets them going to the trouble of hitting her or mouthing off. Now that used to happen when she was at college. I told her its probably because, girls can sense that she won't take it and would fight back, and her sister Sally is probably more of a target. Now what do you guys think! Cos she's not ugly, but thinks she is. Because girls don't get volient to her but just her sister! She's making me so mad!

Do Republicans not realize that the NRA does the same things they hate the Unions for?

There is a logical solution to this problem. Abandon republicans and democrats. You will feel much better trust me.

Any comics similar to Tales from the Crypt?

There are comics like House of Mystery, plus you should check out 2000AD. It has a lot of sci-fi and stuff but also has some twilight zone-style stories such as Vector 13 and Future Shocks.

What kind transitional sentence should I use of my book report essay?

My thesis statement is this In the House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros the author use simile because the author is describing objects as if they have human qualities. ( Need Transitional sentence) I need help please!!

Who are the best crime authors of the decade?What are your favorite crime books?

My favorite crime writers are Sandra Brown, Mary Higgins Clark, Patricia Cornwell & J.D Robb.....Does anyone know similar crime writers? Who are the best crime writers of the decade? What do u recommend I read?

I messed up the names on my regents... i put sandra canton instead of elizabeth cady stanton... do you think?

the grader will know who i am talking about?... the topic was womans suffrage and i mentioned everthing on her life that i knew

In your opinion what have women(conservative AND liberal)contributed to the Supreme Court?

What haven't they? We don't live in a separate but equal society. They have contributed their knowledge just as the long list of men have.

What is a good CCW gun?

Guns are best picked out by the individual so I will just tell you what I carry and the reasons. I carry currently a Glock 27 gen4 sub-compact that features a 9 round magazine chambered in 40s&w. Glocks have a great track record of reliability and I have never had an issue with any of my Glocks. They are easy to clean and disassemble,parts are cheap, and they are very well made. Your best bet is to go to a gun store and hold a few guns and test them out if the gun store has a range. The gun store will usually let you shoot it if it is already used. This way you can also get a feel for what caliber you like. My gun cost new around $550

Bob Dole's tenure as Chairman of the NRA overlaps with his tenure as U.S. Senator?

Oh man. What does either the NRA and the RNC want with Dole? He was a total screw up as a Senator. Ran away from most political fights with Democrats. Whatever bravery he showed on the battlefields of WW2, he was a total, spineless wimp and white flag waving coward on the battles of capitol hill. He'd rather cave in than fight, and many times he did.

In the past week there have been 13 gang related shootings in my city?

But not one fatality. How can we help gang members exercise their 2nd amendment rights more effectively by becoming better shots? Is there an NRA program for poor shooting that gangs can sign up for?

Pyrotechnics Poll II: Any tales of fireworks gone wrong that you can share?

yeah, my dad back in his childhood threw a powerful firework into his school's teacher's room chimney. he was lucky the principle was his uncle

How do I respond when I'm tired of hearing it?

Sounds like they are equals and found their shared bottom (to sink to) together. Don't take him down, she'll end up defending him and sticking with him. Just tell her "Well, at least he works and doesn't spend his money on drinking." Or "You don't have to stay married" helped my mom the most, for me it was "If he is going to be here I need to leave." Just don't say anything accusatory just neutral and honest.

Questions about some animes?

what are "fairy tale" and "the world only god knows"also what are some good animes?

How common is an ultrasound to be wrong about the gender ?

A close friend of my family was told she was having a girl but when the baby came it was a boy.... How commen is that??? I'm scared I just found out it's a baby girl last week and I'm so pariniod it will be a boy at birth... Although the ultra sound seemed pretty clear... Legs spread and everything... Should I stop worrying???? I mean everything including dreams and wives tales say girl for me too... Which I know you should go by...

How true is the ring trick for telling the gender?

I did the ring on a string over my wrist a few times now and its supposed to pick up the births you already have as well. I have 2 boys now and miscarried last yr at 2 months. When I do the ring it went back and forth 2x for both my boys then in circles 2x perhaps the child I lost was a girl and i'm wondering if i'm having a girl now. I have done this many times infront of my family and then my fiance. I used my ring as well as his class ring which is heavy and it did the same thing. I also have checked the chinese lunar calendar and it says girl plus I done old wives tale quizzes and it comes up girl. Yes i'm really hoping for a girl, but I don't want my hopes to be crushed. Do you think its possible that i'm having a girl?

I'm gonna try this again.?

Why does the NRA exist. For the love of god, please do not threat in my man-hood, ask me if I could protect my family from an intruder, be EXTREMAL racist, or just plain not even TRYING to answer the question. Last time I was threatened, called ga. I'm friggin' 15 years old. The fact they would say I should own guns to protect my family is reason enough. I just want a surefire answer why we need guns like machine guns, RPG's and shotguns too go HUNTING?!!? Don't just say I need guns so there, please gve an actually answer with point why you think so. For crying ut loud last time some nut said that if we removed the entire black population crime would drop 50%. WHAT THE $&*@!!!!!!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!!? I understand that they help protect people and teach proper safety but why have them in the first place?! I guess my question actually is why do we need guns specifically made to kill people available to the public? Is the need to shoot some robber's really that great? I realize all the gun-nuts have stopped reading after the first sentence to leave a response like, "your a homo if you think guns are bad" but if you have any reasonable sense please, Please, PLEASE leave a valid response.

Why sandra alvarenga leave black veil brides?

they said that Black Veil Brides' music was never her favorite kind of music to play or listen to, and with a band that tours as much as they do she grew tired of playing music she didn't completely love. now she's with Modern Day Escape though, so she's still drumming. hope this helps!

A weird Texas football tale...?

Ok, maybe not that weird. I was born in a small Texas town not to far from Texas Tech and though I didn't play football my senior year (coach had his favorites and I wasn't gonna ride the bench all year---plus, in all honesty, I wasn't 1st string material) I thought to do a little research on the history of football in our town. Turns out we had our 1st football team in 1918 (I saw the pictures in this 1918 yearbook the library had---leather bound and very worn). We are now in 2011 and we have NEVER IN 90 YEARS of playing football won a State championship. Not once. We've won district and GONE to state but never won state. Anyway I thought that was strange. Or is this typical of many small Texas towns? I figured out of nearly 100 years of football there would a State championship, maybe back in 1950 lol

In your opinion what have women contributed to the Supreme Court?

So far, the women on the US Supreme Court have had more moderate or liberal views, whereas the men have been very conservative, conservative,moderate or liberal. Of 112 justices, only 4 have been women and a woman wasn't added until 1981. If more women are added to the Supreme Court, we're more likely to have the diversity of views that men do. I believe the women are just as educated and qualified as the men, and perform just as good a job as the men, but I think it's important to have role models for women and men, to see what both are capable of.

Whats the deal with the NRA suing Texas?

I have noticed that the NRA and that teen are suing Texas to make the CHL age 18 and not 21. Does anyone know when we will know the answer to that question? Or even when the court date is?

Why did the obama administration allow thousands of guns to be trafficked to Mexico?

He is trying to create jobs in America and this is the only industry left manufacturing in America--Besides whit his Open Border Policy, why not , exports are good for America---His Failed Programs and lunacy spending with borrowed money has done nothing but Destroy the Workers of America.

Veggie tales online episodes? Please answer!!(:?

Where i can i find veggie tale episodes online for free? I'm really having trouble finding any videos or full episodes of veggie tales for my toddler cousin that wants to see them. Please help! (:

What do you get for joining the Nra?

Besides them fighting for our rights and a monthly magazine,do you get free training courses shooting spots etc?

Taken rifle/shotgun across USA in vehicle?

Gee- I see this question was asked before, but may I ask again because I see one say never speak about anything but Driver's License & Proof of Insurance. Like do not say I have my shotgun or rifle in back of my truck even if bullets/shells are somewhere else, not in guns or same case guns are in. This is why I ask. I know what I have to do when I reach BC Border of Canada, & have my 909 Forms, but the U.S.A. cops in one of the states i pass through, from Louisiana, could make my life hell with questions like do you know why I pull you over- say no to everything. If they ask to search my pickup, say no, even if they say they will bring in dogs, because it's a bluff. I looked on line at what NRA has, but it can be confusing. I just want to get to British Columbia border without doing something stupid. My rifle & shotgun is only for protection while at may river Access only cabin in bear country. Cops sometimes just want to be Jerks and I want to know my rights. My shotgun & rifle are stored, locked, under pickups shell cap where I sleep at night. Each is in a case, not loaded, & all Ammo is located somewhere else back there, like with other gear in chest. As I understand it, say nothing about anything but Driver's License & Proof of Insurance and if they ask if address on license is current, I can say so, but say nothing about anything more, including do I know why they pulled me over. No to any vehicle search, but do I need to lock my truck when I get out, as I did one night eyes ago, only because I had nothing to loose, & wanted to say "no", & cop just drove off------pissed. Sometimes I think cops can take you to jail for nothing, & in New Orleans, they may kill you. I don't want any problems from cops, when I am doing what is right. I have to drive through Louisiana, Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, & see it's legal to carry rifle/shotgun unloaded in all these states, but if I have something dumb like toilet paper coming out the back of my pants, they may take me to jail. It's 3,000 miles (4,838 km) to my cabin in BC, & I just want to get though U.S.A. which seems to change gun rights in different states, at different times, to the point I'd have to have a dang attorney riding with me in order to know my gun rights. NO I never take any pistol.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How can we keep male teachers from preying on and acting out their lascivious desires with students?

Call the police if it happens to your children? I really don't think this is as big of a problem as you think. It doesn't happen often, just when it does the media jumps on it so it seems more often.

Sooner or later they will try to make firearms illegal to buy?

In order for a citizen in America to own a firearm, we go through registration forms. i think this whole tactic to get our name and finger print down is a way for the Obama admistration to track our every move, so they know who has a gun so they can take it away from having one. Me I love guns and im a collector in guns. But in todays world the Obama wants to judge people who has a firearm as terrorist groups. Like for instance the Arizona shooting, a crazy mental guy goes shooting rampage and all of a sudden that incident makes us the citizen who owns one all crazy? Gun owner like myself own a gun so that criminals don't get to invade our home. Criminals can easily buy firearms illegally from a friend. But us citizen we go through all this registration so we can protect our loved ones. Liberals, Obama, democrats, and anti gun people will love to take our gun away so that they can have more control of us. Not to have a right to own a firearm as a citizen is basically no more freedom for there will be more crimes happening. Now this will make the criminal more easy to get to us, rob us at gun point, rape, and more and more will happen. Please people who own a gun we need to help the NRA fight the Obama administration. Our freedom is taken away each and every day as they keep constantly spending our hard earned money. Our border is being broken into and our jobs are being stolen. We need to stand up and wake up to whats happening to America, we are the land of the free. Our founding father fought for our freedom so we wont be in this mess. The Obama administration is trying to take free speech away, our right to bear arms. If we lose the right to bear arms soon we will see a communist country. We cant let that have patriots we can win. We have to turn our faith to God and pray that we can win with God on our side. America is strong because we believe in God that Jesus Christ is our savior, that he died for our sin. We need that strong brave men and woman out there to speak out. Tea Party people and all patriots who are speaking out i thank for your great work. Thank you and i will pray for your safety. Violence is not the answer we need to show them that we have God that he will protect us from evil. God Bless America!!! And thank you brave men and woman for your hard work each and everyday. Thank you army men for fighting in the war. I thank each and every person who stands up for our freedom to get it back once again. America is a place for Liberty and Freedom now a socialist country. I Can Do It!!! God Bless America!!

If a majority of gun related crimes occur with guns bought on the black market....?

The NRA is not a government entity responsible for enforcing law. It is a group of citizens concerned for the education and proper/legal use of guns. Any such laws would be strictly a government responsibility.


i am trying to play pet tales on facebook but i cant invite friends see my neighbors or send free gifts i can buy coins/money though, thats the only tab that i can pretty much open. Please please please help!!!!!!!

Ring and thread tale only working on pregnant woman's stomach?

Someone showed me that when you dangle a ring over your pregnant belly, it will predict your babys sex. she then told me that it wont move if you are not pregnant. it worked on everybody i know. But one day i was playing around and did it over my stomach, it showed i was having twins, a boy and a girl, I took 5 pregnancy tests and it says negative but still shows up on my stomach. i dont understand

Why would they even bother to care since I'm already saved?

They are programmed by their cult handlers to "convert" nonbelievers. Each adherent is a potential revenue stream for the cult.

Seniors, what do you think of the new Florida law prohibiting physicians?

this was a vital protection for children who might play with guns that are not locked up. Parents come in all types and some of them are careless with their weapons. Physicians are not interested in interfering with guns, just keeping them out of the hands of the very young and the very disturbed so they don't end up trying to save their lives in the emergency room.. How many school shootings can be traced to a gun taken from home? Many.

Eleven by Sandra Cisneros analysis?

what would the initial incident, rising action, climax, resolution, antagonist and protagonist? thanks!

Facebook game request help!?

I am playing game on facebook (pet tales) and it wont let me send or even view my friends to send request. What do i need to do please help!!!


I have a goldfish in a 15 gallon tank with 1 guppy 1 puffer fish 2 fish that are small and kinda chubby that are black ad white and 3 tiny little yellow ones that just eat off of what ever touches the bottom. My gold fish is 4 inches long and is suddenly missing a lot of scales and is bleeding around his fins tales and tummy area!! I heard puffer fishes can hurt gold fishes but the start by chewing off the tale. His tale isn't chewed off. But now the tiny other fishes are eating off him :( I know this is stupid bc it's a fish but he's my only pet and has lasted 4 years I got him at a fair and wasn't even an inch when I got him. I separated him so now he's alone in a tank and I have been feeding all of the fish.... Oh and this started when I got the puffer fish and the 2 chubby white and black ones!!!! Please please please help what do I do is there something I can do?

He never asks me out to meet and never calls me or texts me...?

i am in a relationship from last 6 months. Initially we used to talk n meet alot but from last 2 months he never asks me out to meet and never calls me or texts me only I am texting him all d time and he never replies on time. When i told him he said theres nothing to worry. He says he love me alot. but his actions are telling a different tale.

What were the major reasons why the New Deal was controversial?

The New Deal is said to be the most controversial government "programs". Why? I know many programs under the new deal were declared unconstitutional by congress. ( AAA,TVA,NRA,Wagner Act) Why were they declared unconstitutional? America had never before seen government spending like the FDR's before. This scared many and kept capital tight. Please help explain why it was so controversial I need to use solid example.

How and why do they do stuff like this to us poor gun owners?

just watched a special on HBO called the Gunfight supposedly a debate pro & con on gun ownership. Ya right, about 20 minutes of testimoney by doctors in emergency room treating predominately black gun shot patients (doubt any of them or their shooters were NRA, SCI, RMEF, DU etc members) & claiming NRA & gun owners were to blame. Then maybe a few minutes of NRA types stateing their views then back to another 20 minutes knocking the NRA by Brady gun control (ban) group & other anti gun people incl a kid that was wounded in Va Tech shooting. Showed them going to gun shows & many AKs ARs Barrets etc for sale & guys offereing to sell without paper etc, showed a wall of full auto type assault weapons lots of scarey stuff to non gun people put them in a panic with misinformation & hyperbole based on partial truths laced with emotions. THey want the so called gun show loop holes closed period, & next the gun shows & then the gun shops of course. Re the straw man purchases where a criminal who couldn`t pass background ck hires clean guy to buy guy for would be a fool to do this...the gun is then registered to if he uses in a holdup, murder, whatever & leaves it behind who are they going after? you..& how will you prove you sold it? Especially now that its illegal for you to do so you lose either way. Dumb dumb thing to even consider & I doubt that many if any real crooks do it. Much easier just to steal them. No prints, no paper, instant posession, no witnesses to testify against you as the straw man etc. duh.

Why does the NRA not have a problem with government looking at every American's gun records without a warrant?

They are realists who know they have lost the debate about Gun Violence. The government should be looking at every American's gun records, so they know who to send a letter to saying "bring in your guns".

If I have a problem so that I can't get to my inbox or open mail, how is Yahoo going to email me?

As of this morning, 5-23-11, when I try to click into my inbox , I got a blank page. I finally got the list of emails up, I could not open them. It simply wouldn't do anything when I clicked on the desired email. The page shows it is "loading", but then when the "loading " indicator disappears, the list of emails is still as it was, and the desired email has not been brought up. Since this is not happening to my husband's email account, I must assume it is a problem in my account.

I want to break my engagement and marry my love but my family wont let me?

you shouldn't run away it ll hurt ur parents and also being 21yrs old i don't think ur bf can keep u well after marriage.try to explain the situation to ur fiance. since he is 28 yrs old he might understand you and moreover no man ll like to marry a girl if he knows she is in love with someone. so talk to ur fiance and stop the marriage else just explain to ur bf about this thing and marry ur fiance but don't ever hurt ur parents by anyway. best way is to talking to ur fiance but before saying him be sure tat u won't marry him, if suppose he marries you after knowing your love affair means it ll be like hell to live with him if he hurts you by someway after pls be careful.its a very sensitive thing to handle with! if you feel shy to talk to ur fiance about this means just go in bike with ur bf where your fiance or his family can notice you and so automatically marriage ll be stopped if they see you with a guy..but think and do pls don't make ur family to be ashamed of and see which life ll be good and comfortable.

When is Obama going to start banning guns like the NRA told me he would?

0bama now realizes he can't end the civil right to own a gun politically, so he's now doing it judicially. He's already appointed 2 Supreme Court justices that mirrors his hatred for this civil right, and needs to appoint just one more justice to start overturning our 2nd Amendment right. Wake-up or grow-up.

Advice on 19 month old.?

h sounds alot like my son. my son is 15 mo old and likes to push all the buttons he can. it is getting al little better now that i have started to yell at hom for doing bad and if he continues he gets his hand slapped and put in a play pen wit nothing for a time out he is almost a year and a half so i give him a min and a half.. they always listen better at daycare i am not sure why but in there mind i think they are thinking what can i get away wit today with mom and dad. u have to show hom who is boss. my son is spoiled so it is hard but it will get better eventually

Which anime should I watch? Any suggestions?

To me anime just seems like normal cartoons drawn differently, but the TV show Futurama has all of these qualities. The only problem is that there is 103 episodes, but I think that you will still enjoy it.

Christians: Why would a lack of evidence that god does or does not exist lead you to believe?

There is no lack of evidence of God to those who believe. You will not see the evidence because you do not believe.

What right does the NRA have to interfere between a doctor and their patient?

how is the NRA interfering? that's such a vague and general question it assumes facts you haven't presented. What right does the AFL-CIO have to do that? or Michael Moore? get it?

If a police asks my to show my ID...?

Is it possible I can say my name and address to them instead and say I do have an ID, but it's in my pocket and I do not consent to a search? Would I still be charged with failing to identify myself? I am one to believe that having an officer tell me to reach into my pockets and pull stuff out sort of violates the 4th amendment, esp since my wallet (where I keep my ID) also has my NRA and Libertarian Party membership cards, which they might use as an excuse to search me further for weapons or drugs (which I would never carry anyways, but I must flex my rights). I have no problem identifying myself to police, but doesn't asking me to pull stuff out of my pockets translate to a search that must include probable cause?

Christians, do you love others unconditionally and treat others as you would yourself?

Lets just say i am not perfect like Christ, but i strive, I am way better loving people now than before, i use to be a B word to many people, but b/c of Christ that has died down, i still can be but im still working on it. It's a process, trying to love others as God loves me

Who do I turn to for representation now the GOP and NRA are anti-gun?

turn away from the blog. it is not good for you. it is like getting all your news from wikipedia it just doesn't work.

I was watching pratical magic and saw the love spell, does it actually work?

I was watching pratical magic and saw that Sandra bullock cast a love spell! Is it a real spell or is there a real spell to attract your man that you want???????

Should President Obama take on the NRA now or should he wait until his Second Term?

I never cease to be astounded by you gun control types. First off, you people are the ones pulling imaginary, ethereal rights out of some misreading of the Constitution, but refuse to acknowledge rights stated in the plain language. Second, the ownership of weapons by all citizens was specifically contemplated as a check to governmental over reach - private ownership of weapons was a reality in colonial America and part of the reason the revolution got off the ground. As to them not contemplating weapons we have today, I see no footnote in the Bill of rights limiting the right of an 18th century American to own anything from a pistol to a canon. Regarding gun violence - how about Chicago or DC? Strictest gun laws in the country and some of the worst gun violence. I'm sure its all card carrying NRA members. Show me the stats that crimes committed with legally purchased/owned firearms are a major problem. Idiots.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Facebook game (pet tales) wont let me send/recieve gifts or 'invite neighbors'!!?

Please someone help; normally on facebook game syou have to invite neighbors or friends and my computer wont let me and i have tried on several different computers and i have tried on firefox and ie. when i try to buy coins that pops up but not inviting friends or sending gifts or anything like that please help!!!!

Christians or others - Why does Israel have the largest most powerful foreign lobby in the US?

If it weren't for America's financial and military support, Israel wouldn't exist today, and they lobby to keep that support coming. But America as you know doesn't support them as part of their charity work, it is in their strategic interest to have an ally (I don't wanna say a servant) and a strong military base in the mid east.

Why does the NRA not want registration of 2 or more assault rifles bought near the Mexico border?

Handguns are already under that requirement, and assault rifles are long ranged and just as deadly if not more, so . . . if the handgun law isn't an invasion of privacy for "law abiding citizens" as the NRA put it, then why would law abiding citizens fear an assault rifle registry when these weapons ARE PROVEN to be killing in Mexico, and sometimes our own BPA. Does the NRA care more about profits than life (human life)?

What are they teaching now in fire arms classes.?

What is the current philosophy commonly being taught by weapons instructors, other police academies. NRA, conceal weapons classes, etc? I am an old fart and was taught point and shoot, both eyes open, cup and saucer and a modified weaver stance. BAck then it was new school. but is now old school?!? LOL i know the FBI still uses the shoot me in the vest posture.... Just looking for your opinions, practices and thought it would be intersting and got the idea for the question from one that asked how do you shoot with both eyes open?

How is the Obama administration NOT anti-gun?

Just because he expanded gun rights into National Parks? Wow... He should be the NRA President next year... (rolls eyes).

Why does the NRA Rock?

Because it is Dedicated to Protecting and Defending our Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Guns and Hunting, Acquiring land to Hunt on, Firearms Safety and Training, Shooting Ranges, and so much more mentioned on the Video on youtube.* Where would we be without the NRA?*...The NRA isn't about Guns its all about Freedom.*...

Heros-why is Claire alive in S1E20?

So, the whole show is based on the fact thr Claire is dead, Sylar got her power, and NYC blew up. But, when Hiro and Ando accidently travel to 5 years after the explosion, in the future where Claire had died, why is she in disguise as Sandra at the diner????

Is the Fairy Tale anime very different from the manga version?

Yes the Fairy Tail anime closely follows the manga. I have been watching the anime and reading the manga for awhile now.I know what you mean cause I am the same way. I hate it when anime shows do not closely follow the manga.I like being able to pick up at the manga where the anime left off. Yes even the current episodes follow the manga closely.The manga and anime show are not that different.

Why shouldn't corporations have freedom of speech?

Everyone has freedom of speech regardless who they are or what they are standing for. speak now what you say must it be true not to be un true then your in good standing if you say things that's true and can prove it when trouble makers knock then your excising freedom of speech or those who have a Nazi mind to complain about it.

Does anyone know if sandra bullock starred in the movie beautiful? ?

the one I remember watching sandra bullock was in and I ant find any info online saying she starred in this movie! Please help me.. Much appreciated! Thanks!

Give me some good classics i should read?

I adore To Kill a Mockingbird. It's funny and interesting. I thought it would be really dry and boring, but it wasn't at all. My favorite book!

Can you help me with history?

Look your answers up on google. For example, for Q.1, copy+paste "Clinton regain public support after the 1994" into the search box. You'll be able to get your answers ��>

One of my friends, a girl, is visiting for the weekend?

Set the ground rules. Tell her she can sleep in your bed and you'll sleep on the floor. Or you can both stay up all night. Just don't assume or expect anything physical to happen. And don't drink too much and lose control. One of you should keep your head on straight.

What song should i sing?

i am auditioning for a mixed up fairy tale musical TODAY! and i need a fun song. i am a fast learner and i can do saprano and belting. please give me advice!

The NRA was a propaganda machine.It was largely ineffective in comparison to the government's portrayal of it.?

If you consider standing up for our 2cd Amendment rights then yes, the NRA was a propaganda machine and the Liberals have painted the NRA as some redneck, back woods organization that "clings to it's guns and bibles." Quoting Obama, by the way.

What are some red haired fairy tale characters?

What are some red haired, preferably female fairy tale characters to dress up as? Besides the obvious Ariel.

Does anyone have pictures of themselves or others in the maggie sottero sandra dress?

i am getting married next year and i have just brought my wedding dress and wondered if anyone had got pictures of themselves or others in the maggie sottero sandra dress? There are pictures on the internet but i dont look anything like the lady in the dress. Plus what does everyone think about the dress? Thanks for any suggestions or comments

First Pistol to carry Recommendations?

The gun I like to shoot the most is an old Smith and Wesson model 15 combat masterpiece. I don't, however, consider it easy to conceal. For that purpose I have a PPK clone (Hungarian) in .380. this is very concealable and I usually just put it in my pocket (I don't carry that often, but do not like to leave a pistol in the car if going to a range, so I carry it). I consider this almost the ideal conceal weapon. It's small with reasonable power and feels really good in my hand. My only regret is that 9mm ammo is cheaper than .380 though, .380 isn't that expensive. You shouldn't be carrying a gun unless you are going to spend time and put a lot of rounds into a target. For that reason I would stick with a .380 or 9mm. Look at the PPK. It is a really nice piece.

Sarah Palin and Good Government ?

Should Sarah publicly pray for Big OIL Co. and the NRA and other financial supporters if their agendas are really good for the Country ?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is it illegal to say you work in law enforcement when you don't in a roommate ad?

it is illegal to hold yourself out as being anything your not if money or goods are exchanged...for now because so many people are being stolen from in so many ways if a bill passes into law you may not be able to lie on a date

There's nothing wrong with being old-fashioned right?

That's right. I'm not really old fashioned but I don't go to parties where people drink and get laid and all that stuff, I just go to birthday parties where there's Cake and food lol :P I'm 15. I say don't follow people just stay the same :)

Value of my Winchester Model 94 built in 1906, NRA Very Good condition?

Carbine, saddle ring carbine, barrel length, hexagon round, half hex, what kind of sights does it have, calibre? No one can access the value of your rifle with the information you supplied. As new in box with original sales slip, could be worth a lot. Not knowing any of this it could be worth 50 bucks to 2900.

In your opinion, what is the most annoying political stereotype?

All political stereotyping is annoying. Very few people are 100% liberal or 100% conservative. Most Americans are a combination of ideologies, ie moderates,and most Americans don't watch cable entertainment networks 24/7. 99% of all Americans want what is best of our country and our citizens. I do not have to agree with someone to acknowledge that they might have a different opinion, but that they still do not hate our country.

Can i use forestwalk, if the defending player controls only a Tree of Tales[artifact green land]?

well that depends. If its an artifact that`s treated as a forest also then yes ut this sounds like its an artifact/land that taps for green mana.

Can I own a missile launcher?

I would like to purchase either a Stinger missile launcher or a grenade launcher to protect myself from possible criminal air attack. Will the NRA help me defend my 2nd Amendment rights to "keep and bear" one of those?

Would you ever spend this much on your little girl's bed she'll only use a couple of years?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a It's very pretty, but they're going to out grow it in just a few years.

I got a question about Tales of Vesperia?

I'm till at the beginning of the game and I was looking online about how to do the secret missions. I came across this character named Patty Fleur. I looked her up and ran into allot of confusion. Some think that she's only on the ps3 version. For those who ever played Tales of Vesperia on the 360 is Patty on the 360 version?

Do you guys think this would sound bad ***?

Okay so im learning the bass guitar an me an my friends want to start a band when we all get good enough on our instruments. I will be playing the bass, Bobby on drums, Steven on guitar but i also though it would be cool to have a violinist. Our genre would be heavy metal ( like metallica, etc) shock rock ( like alice cooper) punk rock, alot of different genres that we like. Sort of like hed pe. Do you guys think it would be cool if a band were to do the instrumentals of classical songs with rock instruments like the bass,guitar,drums? During these songs our violinist would be leading. an example of a song we want to do is the devils trill. And when we would be using the violin in other songs it would have a very twisted,sad, an sadistic tone in the backround. We are writing a variety of songs . I am writing one right now calle the liberation of underland. alot of our songs will be like twisted tales from wonderland an worlds like it. sorta like the tim burton one. But with a variety from every kind of music. What do you guys think (by the way i dont care if you think that it would suck me an my friends think it would be bad *** an still try

NRA members, have you ever used Universal Coin & Bullion?

They advertise every month in the American Rifleman and are endorsed by the NRA, but I'm not sure if that means they are reputable or don't charge too much in commissions. Have any of you used them to buy any coins or bullion? Would you recommend them if you have? Thanks

Poll:What is something that scares you?

Okay so what scares my is dead animals or animal fur it grosses me out like my sister found a rabbit tale and every time i would see her with it i would get scared! LOL

Hey! Who has any cute hairstyles for me ? ^^?

I'm not planning on cutting my hair just wondering if anyone has got cute hairstyles (for ex pig tales) ot just any haistyles like fish braids etc thanks :) <3

Semi-unique girl names :)?

I like my name- Casey (pronounced Kay-See)... throw that one in the mix if you'd like! There are a lot of alternative spellings, but I like mine best.

If a majority of gun related crimes occur with guns bought on the black market....?

The NRA is not a government entity responsible for enforcing law. It is a group of citizens concerned for the education and proper/legal use of guns. Any such laws would be strictly a government responsibility.

Has any one read any of these books?

I've read Into the Wild. It's a good book. I chose to read it from my reading list because it was short (like 200 pages) and the most modern one on my list. Since it was written in 1996, it doesn't have weird, complicated English. It's non-fiction though. It's about a real event and it kept me interested in the book.

Hey i think i might have aids?

There are no immediate telltale signs. They are long-term signs that sometimes take years to develop. If you are afraid that you have it, tell your parents and they can take you to a doctor. A simple blood test will tell if you have it or not.

Would these make good parodies of anti-belief/imagination?

The first example you cited is really not a parody at all but rather a contemporary description of modern day fundamentalism. It is in fact very main stream among Christian Conservatives.

Is anyone OK with this law?

I don't really understand the point of it. Asking if you have a gun is not infringing upon your right to own one. And just because the doctor asks, does the person have to answer? If they are uncomfortable with the doctor butting into their business they can switch doctors.

Learning martial arts in the military?

I want to go into the US army after high school and become a MP. Once out of the service I'd like to become a police officer in the civilian world. I would like to tale martial arts classes in the military, Krav Maga and Jiu Jitsu. So can you become black belt in these arts while serving?

Can someone explain how this bill would work?

You can't buy a handgun or ammo under 21 under federal law, but you can own one. Your parents can buy it for you and under the proposed law you can then get a concealed carry license. An 18 yr old can buy a rifle now. It wouldn't change the short barrel or machine gun license requirements in effect now which require the license under federal law.

Do pro gun right and pro gun control people hear the crap that comes out their mouths?

I'm an NRA member and I do support gun control to a certain extent, such as the background checks with the ATF over the counter when purchasing a firearm. Actually I just bought a Ruger Mini-14 about a week ago at Walmart and it took like 30 minutes for the whole process.When I buy pistols where I'm from I have to apply for a pistol permit at the sheriff's office, then about a week later they'll give me a call and I'll swing by a pick it up and I'll go buy a new pistol. At the store it's the same deal as the Mini-14 I bought, another background check. I have a CCW now so I don't have to apply for a pistol permit anymore so basically buying a pistol is like buying a rifle for me now. The only thing I think is unnecessary is the pistol permit. What's the point of having two background checks by the same people? Especially if you can get a CCW and don't have to bother with that anymore. I don't mind the background checks because I know it's for a good reason. Criminals just don't go to gun stores and buy guns, nor steal from them. They burglarize homes and steal their guns. All of my guns are locked up in a gun safe and even if a burglar takes the whole gun safe I doubt he'll get it open and just in case he does I have two locks on each gun: a trigger lock and a cable gun lock through the chamber. I only keep one gun out for protection and that's my Ruger SP101 .357 Magnum with night sights and hollow points so that I can see what I'm aiming at in the dark and if I miss my bullets won't penetrate far through my walls.

Heart rate old wives tale. True or not?

My doctor said my baby's heart rate is 152 bpm. Has anyone gotten correct results with the old wives tale.less than 140 boy and 140 or higher girl.

What fish can I keep with my goldfish.?

I would like a fish to keep with my goldfish which is about 15cm long including his/her tale.I was wondering if i should just get another goldfish?

DDR2-DDR3 mix-up on a Packard Bell?

whatever type of ram is in it now keep using it. do NOT change type and do NOT mix types of RAM. This could end up very very badly.

Can this be the dumbest argument ever in favor of Gov Walker's union busting policy?

The unions sell their vote to the Dems, who in turn take more of our tax dollars and give it to the unions. We get screwed because then they need more of our tax dollars so they can buy more votes. Very corrupt system and unsustainable. They unions and the Dems are forcing us to buy. We have a choice whether to buy or not in the private sector.

What book did you HAVE to buy for your toddler?

my daughter loves the gruffalo...its quite repetative too so she 'reads' it with me now lol. some books really drive me crazy reading them over and over but i havent got bored of this one either hehe xxx

Is it true that hair grows faster in the summer?

My friend wall telling me this and I didn't know if it was true or just some sort of old wives tale.

Should I get Demon's Souls?

Is it worth it? I enjoy any game with a great storyline or mythical beings. Also, I've heard tale of the game being extremely hard. Is that true? And is it a good challenge, like Portal, or just hard to make it seem longer? Thanks.

If guns are illegal in Chicago, why are there so many shootings?

Could the NRA be right when they say, "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Question about stealing stuff from clothes shops?

talk to the sales clerks or managers tell them about your project they can give you an idea whats most commonly stolen

Tennessee Firearm Instructor Law?

I want to start a small part time business instructing people on the use of firearms, particularly handguns. I know you must attend an NRA Instructor Course or its equivalent, and submit it to the state to be state certified and to teach in a school. But, if I am only teaching people one on one outside of any school, do I have to attend the course and be registered with the state, or can I simply go about running my business as I see fit? Thanks in advance

Do online stores accept returns?

So i want to buy something online,but i'm scared the clothes won't fit me.SO,i'm wondering if the stores like (American Eagle,Abercrombie,Gilly Hicks) tale returns online. THANKS!

Fish tale plait, help?

I have a trial day at a salon tomorrow (a day i have to work to see if they like me and if i fit in ETC.) but i don't know how to have my hair, do you think a fish tale plait would look ok? or is it too unprofessional? I have to wear all black and i'm going to wear my Vivianne Westwood earrings. Do you think i should do a fish tale plait or something else? I have hair that goes to my bra strap so the plait would be medium length. Thank you :)

STAT POLL: If you could go to dinner with one of the following, who would you choose?

Benedict XVI. Agree or disagree with him, he's the one that you'd be able to have the most interesting, intelligent conversation with, I would think. I'm not female.

Is it good to change shampoos?

Is it good to change shampoos often? Cause I got this expensive shampoo that supposedly fixes your hair plus I have mane n tale. Would switching every time I use it be a good thing or bad thing?

A poem about good grief. (BG's challenge) C/C?

Had trouble getting into my mail box, Hap, so had to do some shenanigans to finally get to it. Saw this on my challenge AND saw all those TDs. What the heck? They be picking on you, my friend. I really liked this write, although that 'good night' part was not fitting for it. Fix that and you'll have a winner. How ya been, anyway? God bless...

Help! any moms out there?

if you mix baking soda and white vinegar so that it is just a little soupier than a paste you can put that where the accident was allow it to dry and then vaccum it. This will remove odor from that specific spot. You can thwn sprinkle baking soda over your carpet everywhere in that room and let it sit for an hour or so and vacum it up. This will help remove odor from the room. Then you could additionally burn a candle or something. Also if you could run to walmart or a dollar store they sell arm n hammer or glade carpet powders that are scented powders you sprinkle down and sweep up. I use them every time i sweep just to keep the house smelling fresh.

What is a Name for a Girl to have Sandie as a nickname?

I know you can Name A Girl Sandie or Sandra, but any other Names? It's For a Story I am Writing, Thanks :)

Why do Americans spell the name Sandra Bullock while the British spell it Sandra Bulwark?

To clarify I am referring to the star of 'Speed' and 'Crash' who was awarded the Academy Award for Best Actress in 2009.

Does magic/magik really exist?

I am kinda into this kind of thing for fun and i was wondering if magic (or magik which some people call it) is true and not just made up fairy tale nonsense.

How do you know they're "the one"?

I believe that you can make it work. I don't necessarily believe in "the one" concept but I do think you can find someone who you love more than any guy you've ever met. There is never one specific way to determine if he is "the one" but if this is a person that you can go from being completely comfortable with to still having that passionate love in the same day then you have found someone that you can share your life with.

How long is Tales of Vesperia?

I got 22 hours and im at the part where Im going to judiths race ancient town but it feels like the game is almost over

I dropped water on my phone?

Okay, so saturday night, I went out for dinner & I got some water dropped on my phone, it has been working fine up until today, I had my phone charging all day, then suddenly when I went to turn it on, it wont turn on, I put it in a bowl of rice, but what else could I do? & Does the rice work well? Or is it just a wives tale?

What standard velocity .22 LR ammo is best for match shooting?

Ive got a ruger 10/22 and am shooting NRA silhouette matches and need to use standard vel ammo. What are some good ones to put through it? Im looking for accuracy, Accuracy, ACCURACY! Thanks

What if it was Lady Lucan who killed the nanny Sandra Rivett?

My guess is that it was Lord Lucan, the murder happened at night and Lord Lucan mistook the nanny for the Countess. Both were female and he took advantage of the dark to attack. He no doubt flipped the light on after the murder and realised his mistake and then fled.

Does God hate me or is he just not real?

I am a 25 year old woman who is very nice, polite and try to be a good person all the time, but yet who has been struggling so bad and so much my whole life with abuse by a lot of people, and even physically abuse. I have ADD which I hate and want to go away. I have put on over 60 pounds for not doing it on purpose at all, medications own fault and my old physciatrist didin't even care therefor I've been called fat, ugly, ect. and she missed diagnosed all her patients with bipolar disorder. I'm addicted to the drugs for ADD when I've prayed and begged for God to cure my or help with my ADD when he didn't, he let me become a drug addict instead. There is a lot of things that I have prayed for and some that were very serious and I always get NOTHING out of it. I am starting to have serious doubts and realize that religion is made up by a bunch of people to scare others and that God, Jesus Christ, Heaven, and hell are nothing but fairy tales and the bible is man made. And I am thinking about just moving on with my life and live for myself, my family and for my friends and forget about religion because it did nothing good but do harm to me.

Is the NRA a self fulfilling prophecy? First you need lots of guns to "protect" yourself, then you REALLY?

If I get attacked in my home, yes a gun would do nicely. You don't need "lots" of guns for that, only good aim with one. Let's you and I take a walk in Compton or Watts or East L.A. Would you want to be unarmed when a thug accosts you?

Would you read this? Constructive critism?

I love the idea,but as Cath said,the pedophilia kinda puts me off.I know it's in the 1900s where people did marry like that,but,can't you change it to 15 and 18 or 16 and 18 or something?

English to japanese translation plz?


Anyone on here have any experience with the springfield XDm 9mm?

I am thinking of buying a reasonably priced 9 for target shooting and for my mom to use for home D. I have only fired an XDm 9mm once at a indoor range that rented it to me and only put about a hundred rounds through it. I liked it well enough and it is accurate for sure. I really like its similarities to my Glocks and the 1911 back strap safety.The thing is I have read a lot about it online and in my NRA American Rifleman and have only herd good things. So i was wondering if anyone on here had anything to say about it. I own a Glock 23 40cal and a Glock 21sf .45 ACP and am really happy with both. I have no intention pf parting ways with either gun but the coast of the big 40 and 45 is a bit much for all the shooting i like to do so i am considering a 9mm. Any words of wisdom and advice you folks could provide would be greatly appreciated.

When will Goro Miyazaki's movie Tales from Earthsea come to America?

When will the movie Tales from Earthsea by Goro Miyazaki (Hayao Miyazaki's son) come to America? And if it was already in theaters....when will it go to an American DVD release? I saw it was new at the movie store on a commercial and wanted to now when they'll have it.

I would like to know if this is a scam or not! Thanks?

Spam. You do know that you can report garbage like that. In this case the email came from a hotmail member (supposedly). Contact hotmail and give them the details. If it was a stolen email address the owner will get help in cleaning it up, if it was a real email address hotmail will shut it down.

Crime writers similar to Sandra Brown, Mary Higgins Clark?

My favorite crime writers are Sandra Brown, Mary Higgins Clark, Patricia Cornwell & J.D.....Does anyone know similar crime writers? Who are the best crime writers of the decade? What do u recommend I read?

Should people on the terrorist watch list be allowed to buy guns?

When you consider that the gov't is creating this list, the same gov't that regularly puts its own selfish interests above those of the people it purportedly serves, then you might realize that a large percentage of those on the "terrorist" watch list might well be considered partriots to the true ideals of our founding fathers.

Who is Charles Howell III's swing coach?

I've seen the guy a couple of times... he's a tale, nice looking British guy (NOT LEADBETTER) who is probably in his early-mid 30's. He dresses very nice, very Euro-chic. I was just wondering, if anyone knows that would be great.

Bloomberg is correct no hunter or sportsmen needs high capacity clips, then why does the Right protest?

There isn't a need for high capacity clips and they were banned for 10 years by law. Even the NRA's members poll 82% saying they are in favor of reasonable limits and regulations. If high capacity clips are needed by Right Wingers, could they explain what for? If you don't need them to hunt, then what do they need them for. The "infringing" on thier Rights does not hold water and the Supreme Court has already ruled on that, so other then killing other human beings what is the need? If the Arizona shooter did not have a high capacity clip, wouldn't less people would have been killed, since he was reloading when he was taken down?.

CO-OP Offline PC Games?

Does anyone know of any good Co-op Offline PC Games??? We are trying to find something that is like Tales of Vesperia. Thanks!

Pistol recommendations?

The Bereta Bobcat .22 shoots a 22 long rifle ammo $10.00 for 500. it is accurate and the barrel tips up so it is easy to chamber the first round. The bereta fits in the palm of your hand and holds 7 rounds +1 in the chamber. It is suprisingly accurate for a 2' barrel, I can nail cans at 50 yards. see a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

POLL: What is your favorite Sandra Bullock movie?

that movie she was undercover and she had see thru dress and braless and it was hanging, very difficult to look

Looking for good fantasy series.?

I prefer series, but I'll take single novels as well. I've already covered alot of the usual suspects (Amber, Wheel of Time, Malazan Book of the Fallen, Tales of the Black Company, LotR, Twilight, etc) so I'm looking more for good books that are a bit off the radar.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

How is the President of the NRA responsible for the actions of Jared Laughtner?

According to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell NRA President Wayne LaPierre is the devil and responsible for Laughtner's actions. Do libs actually believe this nonsense?

Is there an atheist and theist war on yahoo answers?

If there is a pro atheist or theist comment, it either has a high number of thumbs up or thumbs down.The same thing with negative comments. Everyone is attacking each other. By the way,there are a ton of fossils and no proof for god! Am I a troll for providing you guys with actual fossilized evidence, not fairy tale stories?

Funy ending for my short story for english? URGENT!?

Sorry, I didn't read it. You should think of this yourself. I was in yours shoes before. A couple years ago I would come on here and ask people for help and when I wouldn't I would get mad. But I got over it. Good luck.

Does this concern you?

So, these are the new guidelines for home grown terrorists? That just about includes every American, doesn't it? I told you the USA was Satan's seat. I guess I must be one of those they may be watching. I'm a Christian, a Jesus Christ is Lord Christian. They'll probably put my name at the top of the list for that.

Good action fantasy/supernatural manga?

Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler in English)? I've read the first 3 volumes and I LOVE it. It has supernatural elements to it and is a darker sort of manga, but it does have a few light hearted scenes here and there.

Is the NRA now working directly with Al Qaeda to give guns to terrorists in the USA?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Can anyone tell me the name of this movie?

All I can remember is small snippets. It starred Sandra Bullock, It was vaguely about witches, I can remember these two little girls were getting stones thrown at them by other children, there was a guy trying to hurt a woman in a car and two young women cut each others hands as a memory for something. Anyone know? I can't remember the name for the life of me.

Weird Power?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

You should probably talk to some one close to you who you may be able to talk to and who will understand. Or you could keep it secret and use it against people >:D lol

The NRA fights to perserve righhts to gun ownerhip what amendment do they protect?

The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the "right to keep and bear arms". Look it up!!

Whats the name of this kid movie?

the begining is like a very rainy, and lightning stormy kind of weather, a kid is running to the library, when he gets there, there is like 1 creepy man there and no one else, and colors flow into the library changing his life into like a fairy tale all cartoons and what not, thats all i remember.

Did radical feminism kill what being a man is...?

hey, things change over time and the line between male and female has blurred. traditional roles have changed. women that are professionals may have a s/o, husband,,,etc... that stays home with the kids. personally, I'm afraid to hold a door or compliment a woman any more, for fear of a negative response

Help with these three trigonometry questions?

These all appear to be tan(angle) questions, have a look at a right angle triangle see how this fits each question and check how the tan() function is defined [cf the sin() and cos()]

What is a EPL life membership with the NRA?

I'm thinking about getting the life time membership with the NRA but I saw that they have a EPL life membership I'm just wondering what the EPL stands for and if it is worth the extra money

Please help. I am in serious friendship trouble...?

Ok so here's how the story starts: my bestest friend in the whole world and i are just having a great time. Then (trying to kinda keep this short and simple) she becomes really good friends with this girl ellie and i start to feel left out. I try to become better friends with ellie... which then causes my best friend sandra to feel left out. Sandra becomes close friends with some girls who already didn't like me (not sure why but just go with it). They start to be mean to me saying that i made sandra cry (which i had NO intention of doing AT ALL considering the fact that nobody, including sandra, had told me she was mad at me). So then, having lost my best friend and having multiple people mad at me for something they weren't even involved in, I decided to cling to ellie. Ellie and I became great friends because she was there for me. So then a few days later i decide to apologize and talk to sandra. We decide to try to be friends again. Then today i find out that she disabled her Facebook account and was mad at me YET AGAIN because she felt like i was excluding her for ellie. I understand if you can't find a solution to the whole problem but maybe if you have any advice i would really really appreciate it. Thank you very much.

Does this concern you?

So, these are the new guidelines for home grown terrorists? That just about includes every American, doesn't it? I told you the USA was Satan's seat. I guess I must be one of those they may be watching. I'm a Christian, a Jesus Christ is Lord Christian. They'll probably put my name at the top of the list for that.

How good are your translation skills?

You have to understand - liberals want fancy words so we poor common don't really know what they're talking about lol

What's madonna, sandra bullock, angelina jolie and denise richards address ?

hi, me and my sister are huge fans of madonna, sandra bullock, angelina jolie and denis richards !! we want a signature please :)

Guns Debate Character?

Hey anyone wants to make money answering questions or do you need homework help? Try

New makeup style, help girlss! or guys :)?

the best thing to do is to send the request to your favorite youtube makeup person, check out its amazing! everyone is still adding to the wiki. share it with all your friends! i give the best answer, vote it up! :) help the world! :)

How do i get rid of paental control and download restrictions?

so i can download things like tales runner,wizard 101,combat arms,etc withount needing my moms password

Advice on older women ?

If your shorten your details, people will be able to get through it. Then you can receive the advice you're looking for.

Cons approve of NRA and Cigarrette lobbyist but don't libs love Pharmco even more?

Guns and cigarettes kill people but that's not nearly enough as the life's that Pharmacies take on a daily basis including diseases form cigarette smoke. Pharmacies which hold the cures to many diseases hostages. Yes Libs want to see you living on life support on expensive medication costing hundred of dollars a day instead of letting healthy international competition for your over all health.

Why are people so hateful?

I like to read the entertainment "news", It's my brain junk food. When I'm taking a break, relaxing or otherwise have time to myself, it's just what I do.. It seems that ANY celebrity I happen to be reading about has so much hatred shot at them in the "comments" section. Why do you think that is? As a whole, we tend to put them on a pedestal, and treat them like royalty. When they're individualized, It's astonishing the things people will say about how they're living their life no matter who it is. Sandra Bullock isn't even safe! Why do people judge celebs so harshly for an outfit,lunch date, hairstyle, shopping trip, or what their kids are wearing. It's all so judgmental and we don't see behind closed doors. Any theories why people are so mean when they comment?

Are politicians more scandalous than celebrities?

There is JFK, Clinton, Gingrich, Arnold, John Edwards, and now Weiner (and plenty more). The last significant celebrity scandal I remember was when Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock.

Liberals, Are these the reasons why Obama is such a great president?

I'm a Republican. I feel that Obama hasn't done anything good. If his health care bill goes in to effect everyone will be required to get his government controlled health care. It will also make it harder to go to the doctor. It will be like the England health can system where you have to wait 2 or 3 months to go to the doctor. He wants to make the illegal aliens legal and give them free health care. That will make America go bankrupted. He is a terrible president. Let's hope he doesn't get reelected.

Leg hair growth during pregnancy?

I know it's just an old wives tale but it had to of been true for someone if they made it up and passed it along. But I was wondering if anyone really found it to be true that their leg hair grew faster and thicker for boys (or just grew like normal) and then barely grew at all for girls. I have two boys and my leg hair grew like crazy, and this time around (even though I am only 6 weeks along), I only have to shave every few days, and its super thin. I know it all has to do with hormones but it is a little strange that my body is already reacting differently to this pregnancy. Has anyone found this old wives tale to be true?

Why would a Christian own a gun?

That has to be the worst question I've ever seen on R&S. Yes, the Bible says thou shalt not murder. DO YOU THINK IS SAYS allow people to enter into your home rape you, steal your things? Do you think it says that? And you're calling a gun owner uneducated? Give me a break you ignorant and narrow minded little woman. Liberals.....Ha, you actually made me laugh at that one.

When you compete in the NRA do you get to choose your weapon?

When you compete in the NRA or on a competition team in the NRA do you get to choose the weapon you compete with?

To American Gun Nuts, how do you feel about this advice to potential American terrorists from Al Qaeda?

So you aren't great at military maneuvers are you? So if your premise was true there are more of us than them. Perhaps you wouldn't know the disadvantage of automatic weapons in combat. Did you suppose they would go unnoticed if moving in a group. They would be out numbered and most gun owners would respond in such a case.

Catchy Clique spin-off titles ?

I have to write a Clique spin-off short story about Massie in England and I have finished it but I can't think of a good name! I want to use a name like the original series (Best Friends For Never, Tale of Two Pretties etc) But I can't think of any. Any suggestions?

I need the name of a song?

the song which goes like one two thre for five everybody in the car .... and then it says a little bit of sandra...a little bit of you makes me go mad. know the name?

What is a good song about a guy starting to like a girl?

im looking for either country or rock but i need a song that fits closest to a guy starting to like a girl he just met not long ago and and not knowing how the girl feels and also she had a bf until very recently i doubt theres one that fits exactly but close will work also i need it o nt be about love or something because some sogs about liking someone new are a little to "fairy tale" and to me sound stalkerish in real life

Good classic love movies?

I mean like love movies like sleepless in Seattle. My friend and I are trying to have a love movie marathon, so we need good classic love movies, but nothing to old or to secular. Also we don't want cheesy high school love movies, like valentines day twilight, those movies are good but not what were looking for. So far on our list is sleepless in Seattle and the notebook, also the proposal. If there are any other live movies you know of that'd be great. Oh, and we love Sandra bullock. Thank you

Friday, August 5, 2011

Al Qaeda asked their people to stock up at gun shows, so is the NRA going to continue to hand over the weapons?

..... The NRA is a lobbying group with gun manufacturers on its board. It lobbies Congress for more lax gun laws. And now, thanks to the right wingers on the Supreme Court with Citizens United, it can give more money to congressional elections than ever before, and thanks to the Republicans in Congress, we don't even get to know who is giving money to whom any more. Congress, of course, makes the gun laws, and laws originate in the House, which is currently controlled by Republicans.

Who are the current members of Black Veil Brides?

I've heard rumors that Sandra quit and joined Modern Day Escape. So who's the new one? I know there's Andy six, Ashley Purdy, Jinxx, and Jake Pitts, but who else?

My girlfriend brokE up with me?

you can't sleep with someone else because she didn't wanna sleep with you, and especially doing it in her bed i would of killed you nevermind kicking the **** out of the girl and you.

Do you think B.I.H acting Studios in NYC is worth the money?

serious about acting. well i went to my appointment and did the audition all went great. I was accepted and he told me the prices 375$ a month for each class of 8 payments. i was speechless. but i would be working with celeb directors like from gossip girl and a celeb photographer andrew orth he shot sandra oh taylor swift and more it all sounds good but advice would be nice

If Rachel Maddow were a Pro-Gun NRA member, yet still as Liberal, would she appeal better to Republicans?

Depends. Are we talking about a Republican like the first poster, who could be dying in a gutter but if a liberal stopped to help them they would refuse because lord knows if they touch it they might catch the lib-germ? Or are we talking about the typical Republican that just happens to fall in line mostly with Republicans viewpoints but can still have an even discussion and be understanding of different viewpoints?

Fairy Tales With A Twist (Short Story Ideas)?

the grimm brothers twelve dancing princesses only make it modern, underground dancing society (kind like fight clubby) girls are being forced to repay a debt caused by an associate or relative...... you can take it from there

Leg artery cut in car accident. Was pinned. Normal recovery? What usually occcurs?

If he had a major artery lacerated he would have had major surgery to repair it. The usual recover depends solely how well the surgery went and what artery it was. If the surgery was successful, he should look to living a normal life after recovery. If there was complications, he could risk nerve damage or lose the leg.

How do i welcome my new adopted sister home?

Well for starters don't force yourself on her. You are basically a stranger to her and she is going to be frightened. She will need time to get to know you. Talk to her, ask her about things she likes, but don't be all lovey and trying to hug her and stuff. How would you feel if a complete stranger came up to you and started kissing & hugging on you? It would probably freak you out right? Put yourself in her shoes...she has a huge adjustment to go through. Don't rush it.

Does the Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 (JP) work on 5.50 Prome 4?

My version is 5.50 Prome 4, and I'm just asking if the game will work in this version, if not, please tell me what to do in order to work. Thanks!

I Don't Get The Ending Of A Tale Of Two Sisters?

So, I recently watched the 2003 Korean movie, A Tale Of Two Sisters. And i don't really get the ending of it. Can someone explain it please?

Why shooting ranges so few and lane fee expensive?

Check out Clark Brothers, It's been awhile since I've been there but there cheap, they make there money from ammo sales because you have to buy there's instead of bringing your own.

Which anime should I watch first out of the list below?

Hellsing is definitely the one you should watch first because when I watched Hellsing I loved it and I started to watch other animes like it!!! Its such a good anime and its definitely in my top 5 favorites!!! I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do!!!!! :)

Why are pro-gun Americans so worried about Obama taking away their guns? Do they know how politics works here?

You're right. But for some reason they still start panicing every time someone even mentions guns. Or when a bloody shooting occurs somewhere that gets into headlines, they're already predicting what's going to happen; "they're gonna try to take my guns away". Obviously this never happens. Any kind of attempt to stricten the gun laws, like you said is poison.

Why you dont believe in God's existence?

I don't believe in god I believe in an Invisible Spaghetti Monster and you have to respect my beliefs so there.

I need help finding a movie!?

There was a movie i use to own when i was little, It was made around the late 80's early 90's and had a lady talking about fairy tales and then it would go on to play cartoon adaptions of the brothers Grimm's stories. From what i can remember there was one about the boy who wanted to learn how to shiver/shudder, one about the little golden fish where a fisher man would ask him to grant wishes for his selfish wife. there was also one about a man who tricked people, He tricked a giant to a game of strength where he told the giant to squeeze water from a rock, the man used cheese instead, and then to throw a rock as far as he could, the man used a bird instead of a rock which he had hidden in his pocket. I know this is a silly description but i can't remember what it was called!. any help would be great!

Using these names, what would you name 4 boys and 4 girls?

Samantha Catherine, Amber Elizabeth, Celeste Marie, Rachael Lourinda Boys Gordon James, Wiley Bryce, Isaac Joseph, Christopher Rex

Does any one else know the difference between the way liberals and conservatives speak?

Do you notice a trend in those terms? They seem to move in the direction of Liberals taking action against Conservatives, now don't they? A term like, "well protected" suggests a mindset totally different than "heavily armed" for instance. You can look at the term and see what is on the person's mind and usually it is a Conservative wanting to be left alone and a Liberal trying to do something to him.

Will you c/c this fractured fairy tale of sorts?

I'm sure there must be a moral in here somewhere Danny. I enjoyed your fractured fairy story. Have a good week-end.

Why was Tom Bombadil in "The Fellowship of the Ring"not affected by the One Ring?

In the middle of chapter seven when the four hobbits are listening to Toms tales Tom randomly ask to see the Ring and slips it on his finger, not only does he not disappear but he's not affected emotionally like all other characters are (such as Gandalf's reaction) Why is this?!

How do i get my cat to stop peeing on my blankets?

hi my name is sandra and im pregnant by eight weeks and i have this cat who keeps on marking his territory and the smell is un bearible and i dont want to give away the cat because my son would cry for him i dont know what to do if this keeps on going on im going to have to give away the cat pls someone help =(

A tale of Two cities helppppp please?!?!?

Just re-read the novel, and choose a passage which you feel you can write a lot about, or just makes you think.

Poll: YOUR favorite Comedian?

I love jim carrey’ s liar liar. His movie is funny and warm, making me regain the confidence of life. That's really fantastic. I watched his newest movie trailer in . I got to say I am impressed!

What does "ben'cite" mean?

It's an exclamation of some kind used often in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. (Forgive how I cited the book. I can't underline it.) Is it a saint's name or just a general expletive or what? Does anyone know?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I want to break my engagement and marry my love but my family wont let me?

if ur love are true u should express ur self before family.that u have love with each other and try to convince ur family bt don take any step which lead to disaster to ur family and ur love. becoz true love spread love nt hate love is nt only physical bt spiritual.

African American Long Hair Problem?

So my 13 year old wants long hair before she starts school again in a new state. The thing is she doesn't wants sew ins or extensions she actually wants her hair to be long(not down her back long but about shoulder length or other arm pit length). how can i help her or what can i do so she can get it because honestly it's getting on my nerves ,she practically cries about it at night.Can Some one please tell me on her or email me at

Atheists, how do you fight this?

The Bible did not describe microchips. You're just interpreting vague passages to fit what you want to be true.

Which ones are your top 5 serious actresses?

Please, please,please... don't mention Sandra Bullock, or Reese Witherspoon, or Jennifer Aniston or any other actresses that are only able to pull off a rom-com, no. I was thinking more like Annette Bening or Tilda Swinton when i said serious actresses.

Japanese horror movies?

Hello everyone :) i've been looking for free and safe websites where i can watch the movie Carved, but i can't seem to find any websites. So please help, i wanna watch this movie so BAD XD also, can you recommend really good J-Horror moivies. Oh, and i'm also wondering where you can watch ALL the Tales of Terror mini films. Thanks a bunch ^^

Has the left and the right always been this far apart?

By far apart do you mean so far apart that the left calls the right murderers, with no evidence, within 20 minutes of a shooting of a congresswomen by a madman? I doubt if we have ever been that far apart. I don't remember anyone trying to figure out Hinkley's politics when he shot Reagan in 1981. Everyone said that Hinkley was a lunatic with a gun. How strange is that?

Rumors of a Toy Story 4 in the works? Your thoughts? Agree or disagree? Story inside->?

i think that if they did make it, it would do as well as any other pixar movie. there are so many people that enjoy watching those movies at any age... they have always been at the top of the box office in their first week, and they could continue making many different products to accommodate the movie... it would be another thing to make a lot of money. but, it would be interesting to see the incredibles 2, or finding nemo 2... they would do well with anything they make. it's pixar!!

If you are a member of both the Tea Party and the NRA does that put you higher on liberals' enemies list?

I'm actually glad to see there are liberals that like guns. But yes, sadly most liberals will not like guns and want them abolished and there for putting you higher on their "list".

Why shouldn't cities be able to ban guns?

State rights should be able to trump the 2nd amendment. While children get killed, NRA gun nuts stand up for guns. This is terrible for the victims. Until the supreme court gets smarter, there will be more deaths in places like Wash DC, Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit.

Liberals, Are these the reasons why Obama is such a great president?

LMAO @ the liberals who have responded so far. Not one can dispute anything you posted or agree that Obama has done some things that seem to be the complete antithesis to what liberals claim they are all about. They can't come up with anything other than mud slinging toward conservatives. I guess that just further proves when confronted by facts and logic, they curl up into little balls and wet themselves while trying to think of same scathing response.

How can i convince my dog that its not ok to pee on people?

My dog's name is Charlot and she never listens to what i am saying.I told her not to ruin the furniture and she ignores me and keeps tearing it up. She keeps peeing on my daughter Sandra and my baby son Jordan . She peed on me 2 times today and the funny thing is she runs off like shes doing it on purpose. I tried alot of methods but it didn't work. I am thinking of getting her trained by a professional. We had this dog for at least 3 years and she just started doing this about a month ago.Please help.

Hey NRA members, have you enjoyed ruining the country? Done yet?

Yay, let's get a gun in the hands of every psycho. It's not the gun that kills people, it's the NRA that lobbies the government that permits the guns that shoot the people that kills people.

How does politics corrupt you??????

Hearing all theses tales of corruptions of the 'angels'.. what the hell? How does running for a ward corrupt you? You lie here and there obviously, I mean it's near impossible to gain wealth and power 100% legally these days no? But if your intentions are for the common good... what's corrupting you and 'draining your soul'? Are politicians making up this bullshit because they want less and less people running for wards and such?

Weird Power?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

No offence but I highly doubt what your saying because of the whole two different brains etc plus the electric signature being different so on

Enchated forest/fairy tale weding?

I am having a wedding over a waterfall and I want to have an enchated forest/ fairy tale themed wedding. I can't seem to find anything online that I really like. Where we are having our wedding there really isn't too many trees. Does anyone have any suggestions. I plan on having light blue, lavender, silver, and pearl for the colors. It will be a summer wedding. Any ideas??

Why do other men falsely use the word "brother" when they do not know the person they are speaking to?

I find it offensive. I am black and find the term "brother" offensive and patronizing. I am a Republican. My family fought on both sides in the Civil War. I am a member of the NRA. I believe in the Death Penalty. I support the War in Afghanistan and being a War Veteran I support the Military. I support the War on Terrorism. I voted for Senator McCain in the last General Election. I believe in less Government intervention for U.S. Citizens. I support the economic cuts proposed by the Republicans. I believe that minorities, especially other Blacks must take advantage of building their own businesses and emulate the Koreans and Jews in their thrift and work ethic. I liked President Reagan, President George H.W.Bush and President George W.Bush. i support the FBI and CIA. I am against single-parent hood and having babies before marriage. I am against abortion. I see nothing wrong with a person flying the Confederate Flag(free speech). So, please don't call me a "brother" when you do not know me from Adam.

How do you like Georgia's Tough New Immigration Law Drives Undocumented Immigrants to Leave?

Our family from Europe came in the legal way and sold fruit from stands in Philadelphia to make a living. We cannot support the hoards who are here illegally.

That song at the end of the 2011 MTV Movie Awards and some other songs?

If any of you saw the end of the 2011 MTV Movie Awards when they were rolling the credits, you might know the answer. So with that being said, what was the name of the song they played at the end of the show when they showed the credits? Also, What was that song they played when Sandra Bullock went up on the stage to accept the MTV Generation Award at last year's show? There's probably some clips of it floating around on YouTube or you can Google for some videos of it (If it helps at all). One last thing, what's the name of the theme song to that show "Cold Case"? If you happen to know any of those songs and what they're called, that would be great.

President Obama backs 2nd Amendment and backs NRA stance. Liberals, how do you feel about that?

I'm perfectly fine with people having long guns and semi-automatic pistols. My only concern is with firearm frames that are equipped to handle large capacity magazines, silencers and firing pins that can be readily converted to fully automatic function.

Do you agree that Wisconsin shows how non - partisan Pres. Obama really is?

according to news paper and commercials, walker ran on and was voted in saying he would do exactly what he is doing. owe-bama injected himself, aligning with the unions. and walkers bil is about fed union only. why does this surprise anyone.

Romney was pro choice in 2002, pro openly gay in 2002, wanted Uni. heatl care in 2002?

Your time on Romney is wasted. Those of us who actually research the would-be candidates (no matter the letter behind the name--not just the ones we don't like) already know enough about him. I will never vote for him.

I need help with facebook game!?

I am playing game on facebook (pet tales) and it wont let me send or even view my friends to send request. What do i need to do please help!!!

Is this a good plot? Would you read it?

I gotta say, I do like this, and if it was being sold in a store, i'd probably buy it... as long as the importance of the music doesn't drown out throughout the story. Hope this helps :)

Can an atheist join the NRA?

I'm not sure if they allow you to have a gun and not a Bible... I mean, where would I get my morals from? What should I do?

If the NRA are conservatives, then why are they against illegal aliens having to show proof of citizenship...?

You are a liar my friend.Gun show dealers have to abide by law like all other gun shops. EVERYONE WHO BUYS A GUN HAS TO HAVE AN ID-----------PERIOD

Do you think NRA types are extremely selfish people?

They don't care that the US has among the highest per capita murder by gun rate. It seems like their attitude is "let people die, as long as I can own and play with MY guns as much as I want"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Was it to early to test? should I tale another?

period started the 1st of june had unproteced sex ( pull out) one slip up around the 18th... I have had alot of strange symptoms. im dizzy, light headed all the time, have nausea no matter what I do. have been crampy for the past wk and a half but not really pms crampy boobs arent sore but are a little tender sometimes. took a test with first morning urine today with a dollar store test, and it was neg. was it to soon to test or is probably my result (-)?.. Should I retest?

Why are there shootings in places where there are not supposed to be any guns, like schools?

But never any shootings in places where you wouldn't be surprised to find lots of them, like an NRA meeting?

Movies involving asian history and culture?

Hello! i'm really interested in asian history, cutlure etc, especially japanese and chinese. I'm looking for some nice movies involving them, and books maybe? And I'm not looking for any dramas, I want something more serious than korean romantic tales :D

Finding A Movie that i saw when i was aroound fiveish?

when i was llittle, me and my sister rented a set of movies from the scottsville library, and i remember it was like a bunch of fairytales, and it wasn't animated it was real people. in one part i remember one of the mainish characters was sitting in a tree with a girl and he was trying to hide his wolfs tale i think. I know alot if this makes no sense but i wasn't much older than 5 when we got these, but i REALLY want to watch them again o if you have any idea what im talking about please put it under here. Thanks.

What is Sandra Rinamato's occupation (PROPERTY VIRGINS HGTV)?

I want that exact job she has. I need details. Is she a realtor or real estate sales representative? What is the difference. Who actually goes with potential buyers and shows them the house.

Christians, your opinion on the world's hatred for righteousness?

I've seen many Christians who don't fit your description for Christians, and many non-Christians who also don't fit your description for non-Christians. I might also let you know that anecdotal evidence usually means squat. Unless you can dig up some actual data, you're just making a biased observation.

I have to admit I was dead wrong about Obama taking a hardline stance against firearms. Will you admit it too?

He'd do away with the Second Amendment if he thought he could get away with it. Please look at the man's history. The only reason he didn't try and ban private firearms ownership was that he was too busy ruining health care. His priorities simply didn't include a gun ban. He is not pro gun.

Do young Americans know what happened in 1970, at Kent State because of a Republican President's (Nixon)...?

...decision to expand the Vietnamese War into Cambodia, so the Republicans had the peaceful Student Protestors (at great risk of being drafted) shot down dead on campus by calling in the Ohio National Guards and using them along with the NRA, of course?

My poem [I Still Remember].....critique please?

This is a very beautiful poem, it's deep and flows very nicely, I especially love the last line. I would suggest not replacing the word 'and' with an '&' as it it displeasing to the eye, and to not use different amounts of lines for each stanza, otherwise fantastic :D

What is this Sandra Bullock movie name?

its about her saving this guy at the train station and then she ends up meeting his whole family and spends christmas with them and what not, and ends up falling in love with his brother, who she ends up marrying. sounds familiar?

Thoughts on Mossberg Maverick HS-12 O/U "Tactical" Shotgun?

In most cases you won't be aiming a shotgun in a home defense situation so the sight thing is no big deal,second I can dump all 5 shots my mossberg holds in the matter of seconds,I would rather have my mossberg 500.

What should the title be for my English project?

we had to write 5 vignettes, or short stories for our final "house on mango street" (by sandra sisneros) project. It's basically just a few short stories about some of our life experiences. my 5 are about my cabin, being adopted, getting lost in a walmart, rain, and lyme disease.

Somebody tell me what my dream means?

Sounds like you are having an identity struggle. Like you don't know who you really belong with...just pray to God and he'll help you get through your troubles.

Thousand and one nights?

Thousand and One Nights is a Persian frame story, based on the courage of Shahrazad to save other women from the tragic fate which befell all other wives of Shahrayar. How does she convince the bitter king, who plans to kill her after their wedding night, to spare her life? What purpose does the Tale of the Ox and the Donkey play in the Vizier’s attempt to dissuade his daughter from sacrificing herself?

When will the CHL age in Texas be lowered to 18?

I am 18 years old and live in Texas and have been seeing alot lately about the NRA and the Lubbock teen who are suing Texas to lower the CHL age to 18. Does anyone know when Texas might lower its CHL age to 18?

Rate and comment on my wedding dress!!?

If I seen my wife to be walking into the church with that dress on i would probably well up with tears and tell her how nice she looks 10/10 :)


I'm 15, I want to get into rifle shooting competitions. I don't want to look on the goddamn Internet all day looking for the right "event". I want to shoot ar15 type weapons at targets down range. I don't care if they are silhouettes or not. What kind of rifle should I buy though? I don't want a .308. I don't mind having bolt action or an m1 type weapon. What event should I enter into with these weapons?

Why are republicans going on shooting sprees? Hospital in Nebraska, school in alabama, road rage in georgia?

we all know it has to be the right because libs don't like, own, or know how to use guns, according to yahoo conservatives. So why are NRA members killing innocent people

Can you over think something and literally go crazy?

No, then I, and most people with depression, anxiety and lots of other people with other conditions would be crazy already.

So ladies, are you going to decieve your sons and tell them your fairy tales or are you going to tell them?

Might I suggest going with Leykis 101, or they will end up hating you for deceiving them.. and they will find out that you did.

Can you name ANY state where the crime and murder rates actually went up?

Yes they are. The US didn't have high crime rates. the only place that has the fewest crime/drug rates is China. As of now you can see why .

A question about "The Blind Side"...?

I am german. I asked for The Blind Side some weeks ago. Tell me if you remember. I have two questions: 1. At the end of the movie you can see the real Michael Oher, right? and 2. I watched it in english so I could hardly understand this: Why does she (Sandra Bullock) say she may have to thank Lawrence Taylor (the guy with the tackle who breaks the leg right in the beginning of the film)? I don�t understand what he has to do with it?

Games wont let me send request on facebook! PLEASE!?

a game on facebook (pet tales) wont let me send any request or recieve request! please help me!!! i want to play this game but i cant really do anything without sending request! please help i have tried on multiple computers and search engines please please please please help me!!!!

Do you think it's weird if...?

I think it's weird in some cases. On MTV's Teen Mom, Leah named one of her daughers Aleeah. I think that's way too similar, though I'm not a fan of the name anyhow. Most of the names you listed are different enough from one another that they're not weird at all. The only one I would think is too similar is Nicole and Cole.

Which of these New Deal programs...?

NIRA established the National Recovery Administration (NRA), which attempted to stabilize prices and wages through cooperative "code authorities" involving government, business, and labor. The NRA allowed business to create a multitude of regulations imposing the pricing and production standards for all sorts of goods and services. Most economists were dubious because it was based on fixing prices to reduce competition;

I messed up the names on my regents... i put sandra canton instead of elizabeth cady stanton... do you think?

the grader will know who i am talking about?... the topic was womans suffrage and i mentioned everthing on her life that i knew

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Rate and comment on my wedding dress!!!???!!!?

I thought the dress was pretty and matched what you were looking for. However! When I went on the link you posted below (with my brand new computer with advanced privacy protection) I could only look at it for a moment before my computer told me there was SPYWARE on the site and that it was blocking the site immediately ! I'm not very smart with computers, but I think you need to get your computer checked a.s.a.p!

A book says it's wrong to be gay?

I'm not gay at all, but some piece of **** fairly tale says it's wrong to be gay and people believe that? Why do you people live your life by a book? Why are you people so worried about dying and not about living? Why are you so biased and ignorant? I'm only fourteen years old but Atheism is really starting to attract me. Thanks for the answers from both points of view.


I'm 15, I want to get into rifle shooting competitions. I don't want to look on the goddamn Internet all day looking for the right "event". I want to shoot ar15 type weapons at targets down range. I don't care if they are silhouettes or not. What kind of rifle should I buy though? I don't want a .308. I don't mind having bolt action or an m1 type weapon. What event should I enter into with these weapons?

Will others like myself assure Jessie James that we really don't care about him and Sandra Bullock?

WOw being hurtful is not a question I think your a butt hole and Sandra Bullock makes great movies and I think you need to lay off opinions about actors they give us great entertainment they ain't doing this so we could talk smack bout people we don't actually associate with.

Is Miley Cyrus in the end of the proposal?

I say yes but the rest of my family says no but I no it's her so just give me your opinion! Thnx! (she is in the scene at the really end when they really want to get married in the office while Sandra bullock is packing to go back to Canada)

The NRA and its members and sympathizers stand firmly against gun control. They are fond of calling those who?

disagree with them whiney liberals. But Police Unions throughout the country are for gun control. The Police are not considered to be liberals. So I'm puzzled. Why would a conservative group such as the Police support gun control? Is it because they don't like getting shot at? Is that the reason?

How many cost the ps2?? like now?

hey, i want to know how many cost the ps2 in this year (2011), because i want the ps2 just for shark tale game!! i give points!

Is it possible to have a noir story without a femme fatale?

I'm writing a screenplay and I want to know if a noir story can go without a femme fatale. If there are, I can't think of any, but is it possible to classify it as noir without the woman? I just feel the tale I have has no use for a femme fatale without feeling completely forced in.

What are all of the movies that Sandra Bullock has been in?

Heres a list of just about everything shes been in. a href="" rel="nofollow"

If there is one, who is the greatest ever...?

Hi, I�m from Germany. I don�t know much about American Football, but I really like it (watching SuperBowl every year). Now some weeks ago I saw this quite new movie, I cant even remember its title. Sandra Bullock was including. I heard this was a true story. And it amazed me. What�s the name of the main character (this huge black guy)?? And how good and successfull was he in real life? Is there a player or some players who they say are the best AF-stars of all time?

Can you hypnotise an out of control 14 year old with adhd odd?

i have tried everything, doctors he is medicated for school, when he gets home he runs up and down the hall , bangs on the door chases the cat, he swears at me, orders me around, puts holes in walls i have taken the xbox, playstation, all computers away,theyre been gone for a year now, had to get the police to take him to school,cause he refused to go, can i put a tape on to hypnotise him while hes asleep to make him more placid any ideas sandra

Is it them or just me....should i be feeling guilty?

if there making you feel bad about yourself then there not your friends, especially if they mock you and call you fat! also if they don't let you talk and you have nothing in common with them then you shouldn't be friends especially if they are mean to you! hang around with other people who aren't mean to you!!!!

Is this a good novel idea?

Its called The Night it Rained and this is how it goes: The one night that Poppys mother goes out for a walk to pick up bread is the night she is hit and killed by a drunk driver. Now struggling with emotions and money, poppys oldest sister sandra and second-oldest sister yasmine get part time jobs to afford the house, everyone cutting down on everything they can. when the first bill comes, the sisters money combinded still isnt enough. sandra then drops out of school to afford the house and her siblings. seeing how their mom dissapering is destroying everyons lives, poppy decides to turn to the only person she can: her father, who had left them when sandra was young. Her quest begins when she interviews his past coworkers and people for answers and support from the person who started it all. I have some plot twist ideas: -At first, he doesnt offer to help at all -Hes the one who killed the mother So do u like it? if you have any better ideas please at least have 3 sisters in it- oldest, middle and youngest

Why don't madmen ever open fire at NRA conventions?

Possibly because they might not survive. Poor Loughner thought he would be killed after his murderous attack and must be horribly disappointed that he has to stand trial and face the consequences - those pesky things that Liberals don't subscribe to.

Why do Cons keep deleting my Mitt Romney scandal questions?

Conservatives do not care one way or the other about Mitt Romney, so they aren't having anything to do with your question deletion. It will be evident when Romney is out early in the primary season. Glad to help.

I need some help on my English work can anyone help?

Please stop this desperate cheating and try to do your own homework! You will never learn anything if you cheat.

Why does a country with so many Christians such as the US has so many weapons?

We also have a larger population, a more diverse economy, and a wide spection of social and economic classes. We have many weapons as a symbolic image that we the people have the right to defend ourselves and that the government can not disarmed us, to show that we are in charge rather than an elite. Also, other first world countries often cover up their problems, because they have more uniform populations and power. And think about it, if all the law abiding citizens are disarmed, then what is to stop the criminals and the government not to abuse this situation?